Dimension Stone Design Manual DSDM Chapter 17 - Stone Counter and Lavatory Tops
With the boom in natural stone countertop usage, the fabrication and installation of stone countertops has become an incredibly large sector of the natural stone industry. Fourteen pages of text and 17 pages of graphics make this one of the largest and most comprehensive chapters in the manual. Stone material properties and selection, customer communication, cabinet and substrate requirements, field measurements, allowable spans and cantilevers, sink mounts, edge profiles, shims, adhesives, sealers, seams, tolerances, lippage, resin impregnation, reinforcements, repairs and outdoor kitchen guidelines are all addressed within this chapter. The graphics show basic kitchen layout considerations, overhang details, corbels, sink mounting, backsplashes, edge profiles, and an example shop drawing. This chapter is taken from the 2024 Dimension Stone Design Manual (DSDM).