Weather or Not?
Those responsible for specifying stone for a project are always concerned about durability. Will it function and maintain all of the properties that made them pick that particular stone in the first place for the expected life of
the building? One of the causes of a loss of durability is our friend Mother Nature. The unique combination of wetting, drying, freezing, thawing, heating, and cooling that we call weather constantly punishes any material that is used on the exterior of a building. This punishment comes from rain, sleet, snow, hail, wind erosion, hot sunny days, and cold winter nights. So any reasonable
person responsible for the selection of the stone would want to know how well a stone performs on a building and over a long time period of say, 50 years, or more. This need to know has naturally resulted in a call for a stone test method to determine the resistance to weather; a weathering test.